Jane Sunley tells it like it is in The People Formula. It’s a jargon-free zone. The book is full of step-by-step guides and practical approaches to dealing with the most pressing people issues organisations face today, backed up with real-life case studies and data.
Jo Faragher, HR Journalist of the Year 2015
This book charts the path for HR Management 2.0.A fantastic book for addressing the current business challenges and redefining the role of the HR function.
Professor Vlatka Hlupic, author of award-winning “The Management Shift”, included on Most Influential International HR Thinkers list 2015.
Jane Sunley has always known that ‘the people stuff’ is a fundamental component of business success - and in The People Formula she’s been able to cleverly show how anyone in business can generate positive long term results through her straightforward plan of action for HR. The raft of case studies and success stories will help you prove this to even the most cynical colleagues! There’s something in this practical and entertaining book for everyone - from small business owner to corporate HR director and CEO.
Tea Colaianni, Group HR director at Merlin Entertainments Group
I LOVE this book! Something here for everyone. It is essential reading for those at the beginning, middle and even towards the end of their careers as it is never too late to learn or affirm good habits for employability. Vital information given succinctly and I definitely recommend it to anyone seeking help on a career move.
Liz Hartstone, Recruitment Expert, Eureka
Jane Sunley: Pragmatic people expert, chairman and founder of employee engagement experts Purple Cubed, best selling business author, thought leader, media commentator and public speaker